Now IRI Analytix – IRI (International
Risk Intelligence) personnel have been providing private intelligence
services in
the areas of corporate security,
intelligence, and investigations since 1988. IRI has
formed a strategic alliance with The Pathfinder Group, to
expand its international business intelligence strengths. In recognition
of these added capabilities for comprehensive analysis,
IRI has become IRI Analytix,
which immediately communicates our two most meaningful competencies: professional
analysis by our strategic
management team and our
proprietary technology expertise for identifying and evaluating all risks.
How IRI Analytix is Different – The IRI Analytix team consists
of managers who are strategic professionals as well as experienced
specialists. This combination enables us to do a deeper analysis
of our findings and to optimize our cutting edge technologies, including
our advanced computer investigations and internet intelligence. These
strengths help our clients better understand risks, leading to more
relevant and proactive solutions.
How IRI Analytix Can Better Service Clients – IRI Analytix will do more than supplement and validate the knowledge base of our
clients. IRI Analytix is committed to providing new perspectives
on key risk issues, corroborating verifiable evidence, and recommending
practical options for minimizing risks. Our goal is to help clients
capitalize on growth opportunities and ultimately save time and money.